domingo, 11 de janeiro de 2015

Para a profesora de música escritora, estudiosa do "Kistang", líder associativa, colaboradora da AEMM no extremo Oriente, as notícias chegam, agora, por email, e por este nos veio desejar Bong Anu 2015 e falar das activdadedes que incessantemente desenvolveu, ao longo de 2013 e 2014 e os seus planos para futuro - que é, tembém, o futuro da língua Kristang no século XXI. Há duas décadas se vem Joan dedicando a defesa e divulgação do "Papiah Kristang".e tem recebido o devido reconhecimento pelo seu esforço - o mais recente do Japão - foi distinguida pelo Professor Nobuo Tomimori, da Universidade de Estudos Estrangeiros de Tóquio, como uma das grandes activistas da "herança cultural" no SE da Àsia. A convite dos professores daquela Universidade, Tomimori e Tanaka Kakashi, Mrs Marbeck apresentou no" World Language and Society Education Centre", os seus estudos sobre o crioulo malaio-português de Malaca.
Manuela Aguiar a quem a notícia foi dada de modo informal, pediu-lhe permissão para transcrever os últimos emails e Joan anui, de imediato,
"Certainly, Manuela. You may mention my projects on Linggu Kristang in the publication of Mulher Migrante.
I had a quiet Christmas in Seremban, the town , north of Melaka where I had moved to about 12 years ago. Malacca, has changed and I do feel disappointed at some of the development that is crowding the historical treasures of the city. UNESCO should look into this seriously. I have managed to persuade the Museum authorities to set up a Eurasian Community Museum in Melaka and was instrumental in doing so in 2013. Now the Jenti Kristang or Eurasians will NOT be forgotten. Some of the artifacts in the ECM belong to my grandmother and parents. I have now turned my attention to Kuala Lumpur and to the Eurasians in all the other states in Malaysia. I want them to acknowledge their heritage and identify themselves with the 500 year-old Papiah Kristang Language. Many are receptive to my proposals and are cooperating, especially Ms Sheila de Costa, the President of the Selangor and Federal Territory Eurasian Association in Kuala Lumpur, ( A Lawyer by profession) and her General Committee.
I took a short holiday and spent my NEW Year 2015 with my 2 sons, David and Martin in Istanbul, Turkey from 1st- 7th. Jan. David works at the ILO in Geneva as Chief Technical Advisor and Martin is Chief Reservations Officer at the Metropole London Hilton. They are doing very well in their careers and my grateful thanks to the late Rev. Fr. M. J. Pintado who 'opened doors' for them when he recommended that they be given scholarships to the University of Macau in the 1990s.
Thanks to you, too for your inspiration, encouragement and the opportunity you've given me to meet some of the world's most brilliant, active and courageous ladies of Portugal and from around the world. Your leadership has made me a leader for my community and for women in general.
God Bless and a Very Good 2015.
Ung grandi abrasah,
Sobre 2015, em Malaca
I am privileged to be among the chosen few women to be recognised for what I do as a Language and Heritage activist despite it being a non-lucrative category in the ever-changing technical and business world. It is seldom that I receive accolades for my work but for the passion to cling on to the rich heritage which most Malaccans, like me possess, I will labour zealously and promise that the younger
generation of Eurasians will carry on and preserve our Heritage where I leave off. I have a full agenda for 2015 in Kuala Lumpur to fulfil. I hope I can cope with this huge responsibility.
1. Re- Producing and Directing the Digi Kristang Musical' Kazamintu na Praiya' ( Wedding on the Beach ) to raise FUNDS for SAFTEA Building.
2. Working towards the setting up of a ' YAYASAN EURASIAN' a Eurasian Foundation with the Selangor and Federal Territory Eurasian Association.
3. After my presentation at the International Symposium WoLSEC2013 Foreign Language Education and Cross- Cultural Perspectives -7th & 8th March 2013 - Paper on ' The Renaissance of the Malacca- Portuguese Creole language and Importance of its Cultural Traditions' at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan, Emeritus Professor Nabuo Tomimori had been encouraged to work closely with me, Deputy Dean Assoc. Prof. Stefanie Pillai at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur and other local and foreign Professors interested in a Proposed Project for the Revival of Papiah Kristang.....Prof. Nabuo visited us on.7-9th December 2014 to discuss proposals for the Project. ( I'll forward you some of his letters) ** I think this will make an interesting article for ' Mulher Migrante'

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